Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Process to Becoming.....

"You quit!" she said, well typed, to me. It felt like she'd punched me in the gut, literally. No seriously, I said "OUCH" out loud!! I told her, "No, I just stopped because I wasn't reaching anyone." She responded, "You didn't give it time!" "You're right." I digressed. "I guess I did q...qui..." I didn't even want to use that word, referring to myself. "Quit! YOU QUIT!!!!" with her helpful self.

It's 11:30 at night, I have to be up for work in 5 hours and now my mind is racing with no end in sight. A quitter?? Me?!?! I'm a lot of things, even some negative that I own up to, but I've NEVER been a quitter. At least I don't think so. "Baby?!" I call out to my poor, unsuspecting husband. He has no idea the level of animation he's about to walk into! LOL "Yes", he answers. "K just called me a quitter! Do you think I'm a quitter?" Without hesitation he looks me in the eye and says, "Shawn you are." Again, my wind was gone. This time my eyes begin to well up with tears. At that moment my straight forward, yet sweet husband tries to clean it up by saying, "Okay maybe not a quitter, but when things get rough you're ready to walk away and not look back. Your passion gets you started, but it doesn't keep you going." Sounds a lot like quitting to me.

There I was, now at 11:42pm, forced to look within and perform an intense self examination. (remember I'm already a passionate person, so yes it was INTENSE...smh) I begin to play the mental reel of my life. From every decision as far back as I could remember, to every project I'd began and never completed, to the marriage I'd walked away from. Wait, was that my fault?! Did I give up to easily?? Should I have stayed in the verbal and physical abuse and control??? Oh, HECK NAW!! You going to far now girl!!! (that was the voice of rational in my head speaking loud and clear with her perfect time, as usual)

Listen, one of the single most difficult and yet most valuable principles you will ever embrace is to SEE YOU FOR EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE and BE HONEST ABOUT IT! Begin to except the grime in you, as you do the great. Don't be fooled, we all have them both! Not one person is exempt. God, in His infinite wisdom, created us all as such so no one of us could cast the first stone at the other! (one more reason to Love Him!!) The moment you begin to do the grunge work of looking within, then honestly and openly except ALL of you, this will be the moment you begin your own personal process to BECOME! Become better, Become wiser, Become stronger, Become the Greatest, most Powerful within, the being that is YOU!!

I challenge each of you to take the journey with me. Successfully live out the evolutionary process of BECOMING!! She ready...LET's GO!!!!!

Lady Spry <3 The Purpose Pusher