Thursday, October 17, 2013


God communicates with each one of us in various ways, on all spiritual levels. For me at times, His voice has been as clear as a sermon on Sunday morning... HALLELUJAH!! Other times, as subtle as a beautiful butterfly landing on a flower at the very moment that I ask Him to send me a sign. (smile)

This particular night was no different. After an inspiring meeting with my husband/pastor/mentor/friend about my future desires and Purpose in life and ministry, God gave me a vision. I could strongly feel in my heart the urge to bring women and young ladies together to talk. Not just about the random, day to day occurences of life, but to have those difficult conversations. Those conversations that force us to evaluate self, confront our past, heal old wounds, become better and ultimately whole! I was pregnant with Vision adn Purpose! This Vision became reality about 8 months later when The REAL CoNVeRSaTioN was born!!

What is The REAL CoNVeRSaTioN you ask??? Let me explain! The REAL CoNVeRSaTioN is about Real Women with Real Issues, having Real Talk! This is a gathering tailor made for us, to talk about the things that affect us, in an environment filled with Encouragement, Empowerment and Inspiration!! This is an open forum for all women! The only admission is a pure and open heart and your life experiences!

Our first conversation was in July 2013. Our topic of discussion was "Mean Girls: Why are women so mean to one another?" We delved into how we as women Gossip about, Lie to and Betray one another and why. This conversation was so intense that it was broken down into two parts! Our third conversation in August was titled "The Selfies that Matter: Self Esteem, Self Worth and Self Confidence!" This was yet another great topic! The atmosphere was filled with support, breakthroughs and healing!!

Join us this Saturday, October 19th,2013 for this months conversation on "The gift that truly keeps on giving...FORGIVENESS!" This is a heavy topic that has weighed many of us down for many months and in some cases years! It is time for us to be FREE!!! Come out and if you know a woman that needs to be liberated bring her too! We have a solid, honest, Loving core group of Ladies that you will be glad you connected with. Let's Talk!!!!

Hug you soon,
Lady Spry

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