Tuesday, September 1, 2015

It's Never Too Late To Be What You Should've Been!!!!

Last night my husband and I had the humbling opportunity of hosting a segment on The Curve internet radio show on www.yopodner.fm. For me, the experience was both mind blowing and heart wrenching. I know that sounds oxymoronic. Truth is as excited as I was for the favorable circumstances, I was just as consumed by the immediate thought that, at almost 40 years old, I have yet to completely walk in and live out my passion and purpose!! My mind just kept repeating, "So much potential, so little time." How could I have allowed myself to waste so much time, miss so many opportunities. My thoughts became so loud on the ride home that I literally wanted to SCREAM!!!

Then it came to me. I've given this career 18 years of my life and now it's in my way. I'M DONE!!! I'm going to go out and make my dreams my realities! I'm going to stop talking about it and JUST DO IT!!! I have gifts and talents! I am gifted and I carry valuable information, from my knowledge and experiences, that I can use to help powerful women become their very best selves. I'm not sitting on all that God has placed in me anymore! I look over at my husband (Yeap, he's always my go to person when my thoughts take off and leave me). "Baby, I hate my job and I'm not going back. I'm going to pursue my purpose fulltime!!" I gave him statistic after statistic. I named women that are doing it and successful at it. I remind him of my gifts and passions. My creative ideas and the visions God has placed in me. He lets me go on and on and on. Then once I stop he says, "Baby, you never have to go back to a job you're not happy with, but how are going to fund the vision? Don't you think it would be wise to strategically plan your transition?" And there it was.. just the reality check I needed!

There are times when the oddest things will set fire to our tail feathers. For me it was the fact that I'm almost 40. For you it could be missed opportunities, closed doors, mental stagnation or even watching someone else function successfully in a lane you desire in your heart to move in. Whatever the source of the fire, REFUSE TO BE COMSUMED!! Use the fire as fuel to get you where you need to be!! These are the steps we're going to take to get us there...

1. Be clear about your Vision. Write it down and look at it EVERYDAY!
2. Develop a team that believes in you and your vision. These are not necessarily friends, but people that can see what you see. They will be your blades (thank you Evangelist Ryan), they sharpen your mind, push you to take risks, hold you accountable and keep you focused.
3. Create a strategic plan. Be clear about the steps you will need to take. DO YOUR RESEARCH!
4. Set realistic goals. Build a timeline and stick to it!
5. Persevere past obstacles. Through tears, fears, doubts, concerns, naysayers, folks opinions, Keep Going! QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION!!!!
6. Remain focused on the big picture. Keep the reason you're doing all of this in front of you. This will keep you Motivated.
7. Put in the Hard Work. You won't accomplish anything merely talking and writing. Get up and get your grind on!!! This is when others will begin to take you seriously.
8. Finally, Endure until you physically see the results of your labor!!

You're not alone in this. We all have that "Should've Could've Would've" syndrome at one point or another, but we don't have to stay there!!! God woke you up because He still has Purpose within you! You haven't reached your full potential! You haven't yet maxed out in this life! And for those that are still stuck in that "ould've" syndrome, just know our truth is "It's never too late to be what you should've could've would've been!" Be inspired and inspire someone else!!

Love you all to pieces! LET'S GO!!!

Lady Spry
The Purpose Pusher


  1. I can truly say that I totally identify with thos. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the encouragement.


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!