Tuesday, June 28, 2016

I Never Promised You Perfect

"I'm tired of being your dumping ground. It's really getting a little old." I remember a time when those words would feel like a gut punch. A time when they would've broken my spirit and thrown me into a tail spin of confusion and shame. Confusion because I would take his words to mean "me being me at my worst" was getting old and unbearable. Then shame would've been at the fact that I wasn't becoming better quickly enough. Just like that I would beat myself up for not being good enough, whole enough, well enough. I would've told myself I didn't deserve you, didn't deserve the happiness I'd found, we'd found.

Not this time!!! This time I combate those thoughts, those lies with the truth. No I'm not perfect and as long as I'm on this Earth and in this flesh, I never will be. As a matter of fact neither will you!! And I'm okay with that because I never promised you perfect. I'm okay with my flaws and imperfections. I'm good with the journey I'm on and the pace in which I'm growing. It may be slow, but it's steady and consistent. I'm fine with the me that I give you and all that she encompasses.

I never promised you perfection. I promised you truth, even when it hurts. I promised you patience and kindness, during our most challenging days. I promised support; to be your number one cheerleader in all of you endeavors. I promised to keep our family covered in prayer. I promised to carry your vision; to be your midwife in the birthing process. I promised you hope of a bright future, faith in an infallible God and unconditional love for the rest of our lives.

None of us as human beings are perfect. No matter how deeply you love someone, not one of us can promise, nor will we ever receive perfection. However, we do serve a perfect God that loves us right where we are. He has predestined our path long before we were formed in our mothers womb. A path that consists of highs and lows, lessons and blessing that will ultimately shape and form us into the flawless creatures that He created us to be. Until then He equips us with enough grace and mercy to sustain on the journey. In doing so He teaches us how to extend that same grace and mercy, to one another!

Can we promise perfection. No. Yet, we CAN offer grace to keep us covered on the journey and mercy to protect us along the path to our perfect place, in Christ Jesus!!

LaShawn Spry
Your Purpose Pusher

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